Deep, Versatile Foot Stretches
Do you have plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, turf toe, or other lower leg injuries? DorsiFLEX® is a patented device to place the foot in the best biomechanical position to achieve a deep and targeted stretch of all lower leg and foot muscles causing the problem. Recovery is measured in weeks instead of months or years. Free shipping with U.S. orders.
Hear what people have to say about DorsiFLEX
Effectively stretch & strengthen the foot and calf muscles
For Anyone, Anywhere
There are untold millions of people seeking a home remedy for plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, turf toe, and chronic calf problems. DorsiFLEX can provide measurable relief in weeks instead of months, or years!

DorsiFLEX - v2.0
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90-Day No-Risk Assurance